The Reichenau Festival
Living the art of theatre
With the founding of the Reichenau Festival in 1988, Reichenau became the cultural centre of the region and a place where the art of theatre is actively celebrated and honored. From the initial insider tip in the theatre scene, the artistic director couple Loidolt turned the festival into a centre of attraction for over 40,000 visitors annually within a short period of time. During the five-week festival season from the beginning of July to the beginning of August, theatre stars from renowned Viennese theatres as well as well-known artists from film and television enchant the audience. The works of important Austrian poets, such as Nestroy and Schnitzler, who stayed and worked in Reichenau, form the basis of the theatre programme. The expansion of the venues in the past 20 years has also made it possible to expand the programme with society plays by authors such as Chekhov, Ibsen or Hautpmann. In addition to the four new theatre productions shown year after year, the new literary format "Literature in Scene" is also becoming increasingly popular. In addition, musical performances with world-class soloists are also offered.
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